Tanker Market: Robust Levels All Around During November


The tanker market has been on a high during November as well. In its latest monthly report, OPEC said that dirty tanker spot freight rates in November remained at robust levels relative to the lacklustre performance seen for most of this year, but were down from the record highs seen in the previous month. 

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Lithium Ion Batteries, a force to be reckoned with in vessel applications.


Since the beginning of boat building; designers, builders, owners and crew have always sought to do more with less. Seeking efficiencies may reduce costs, make better use of space, provide more speed and meet regulatory requirements or socially accepted organisational norms. 

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Dry Bulk Market: Ship Owners Turn to ‘08-’11 Tonnage


While the freight rate market for dry bulk carriers has failed to rebound over the course of the past three weeks, demand for second hand bulkers and, more specifically, those built between 2008 and 2011 has kept up its momentum.

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New Coalition Aims to Make Zero-Emissions Shipping Plain Sailing


The World Economic Forum, the Global Maritime Forum and Friends of Ocean Action today launch the Getting to Zero Coalition at the United Nations Climate Action Summit, with the goal of decarbonizing the international maritime shipping sector by 2030. 

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Container Shipping: Ship Sizes Keep Increasing Despite Stagnant Volume Growth


Global growth in container volumes has picked up slightly in the second quarter of the year, with growth in the first seven months reaching 1.2%, compared to the just 0.8% in the first quarter.

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Panama Ship Registry Modernizes Ship Registration


The Panama Ship Registry has announced it will integrate in a single platform “Electronic Ship Registration System (ESRS)”.

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Petrochemical to Drive Future Tanker Demand


When deciding for the type of tanker to invest for in the next 20 years, ship owners should take a closer look at future demand for various oil-based products, as things are bound to differentiate considerably, compared to today’s conditions.

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Ship Recycling Market Ends Summer of Discontent


The ship recycling market hasn’t had the best of summers, when it comes to the level of activity noted. In its latest weekly report, shipbroker Allied Shipbroking said that “for yet another week the flow of demo candidates remained at relatively low levels, leading to a final close of an overall lackluster summer period for the ship recycling market.

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New technology to listen for whale traffic aiming to prevent ship strikes


Scientists from the Benioff Ocean Initiative and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution have created a a hydrophone (underwater microphone), in order to listen for whale traffic in the Santa Barbara Channel. With this technology, they aspire to prevent collisions between whales and boats.

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